MSL Seminar Series: Invited Speaker – Dr. Jijie Chai – POSTPONED
Michael Smith Laboratories Auditorium (Room 102) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaThe event has been POSTPONED Invited Speaker: Dr. Jijie Chai, Max Planck Institute Faculty co-host: Dr. Xin Li Trainee co-host: TBA
MSL Seminar Series: May
Michael Smith Laboratories Auditorium (Room 102) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaTrainee Talks: Bohlmann lab, Withers lab, Zandstra lab Faculty Talk: Dr. Martin Hirst Title: TBA Hosted by: Dr. Jamie Piret
Department of Microbiology and Immunology: 11th Annual Retreat of ImmunoBC
Department of Microbiology and Immunology: 11th Annual Retreat of ImmunoBC
MSL Seminar Series: Invited Speaker – TBA
Michael Smith Laboratories Auditorium (Room 102) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaInvited Speaker: TBA Faculty co-host: TBA Trainee co-host: TBA
Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops: Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics — CANCELLED
Michael Smith Laboratories Multipurpose Room (MSL 101) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaCanadian Bioinformatics Workshops: Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics
MSL Seminar Series: September – Invited Speaker, Dr. Nozomu Yachie
ZoomDr. Nozomu Yachie “DNA event recorders to decipher dynamics of molecules and cells in heterogeneous biological systems” Meeting ID: 695 3114 8595 Password: 307011
MSL Seminar Series: October
ZoomJoin Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 648 2519 6388 Passcode: 254923 Trainee talks Brumer Lab, James Li Title: “Characterization of four cellulose-cleaving enzymes from Cellulomonas bacteria” Gsponer Lab, Jorge Holguin Title: “Widespread alteration of protein autoinhibition by fusion breakpoints in cancer” Mayor Lab, Cristen Molzahn Title: “Identification of proteins with reduced solubility in aging mouse […]
The Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dr. Sabrina Leslie research talk
ZoomPlease consider attending a research talk from Dr. Sabrina Leslie, hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Dr. Leslie is one of our newest MSL faculty recruits who will start with us in January 2021. Tuesday, November 3, 2020 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, Passcode: 243095 Talk title: Single-molecule microscopy platform for therapeutics […]
MSL Seminar Series: November
ZoomThe Michael Smith Laboratories Seminar Series Wednesday, November 18th from 3 - 4:30pm, Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 673 0114 0804 Passcode: 026544 Hosted by Dr. Steve Withers Trainee talks Jefferies Lab, Maria Baeva Title: “Are eyes more than just windows to the soul? Exploring ocular vascularization and amyloid deposition in a mouse […]
MSL Seminar Series: Kickstart Report
ZoomKickstart Project Presentations Download Event: PDF Zoom Event Registration: Project 1 Daniela Yanez, Haney lab & Foster lab Project 2 Jerry Leung, Kastrup lab Project 3 Peter Rahfeld, Withers lab & Morito Sakuma, Tokuriki lab Project 4 Sarah Grasedieck, Hirst lab & Nikolay Stoynov, Foster lab Project 5 […]
2020 Michael Smith Distinguished Lecture – Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia
ZoomThe annual Michael Smith Distinguished Lecture is organized in partnership with the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Michael Smith Laboratories. The 2020 guest lecturer is Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia is a John J. and Dorothy Wilson Professor of Engineering and the Director of the Laboratory for Multiscale Regenerative Technologies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
MSL Seminar Series: January – Invited Speaker, Dr. Aviv Regev – POSTPONED
ZoomPostponed Dr. Aviv Regev, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Genentech Research Host Dr. Jōrg Gsponer