35 events found.
Anthony Oppedisano, PhD candidate Medical Genetics Graduate Program Hieter Lab, Michael Smith Laboratories & Department of Medical Genetics Zoom registration link: https://ubc.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5EkfuusrjwpHdZx4zAv3uNWgSbr95bj9jj8 Talk Title: Dominant Mutational Scanning in MUS81 Determines Structure-Function Relationships Abstract: The concept of synthetic lethality (SL) holds great promise for the selective killing of cancer cells. However, after more than 20 years […]
We hope you can join us in celebrating our community's recent achievements and milestones! On the afternoon of Wednesday June 29th, from 2-5pm, this event will begin with a poster session (outdoors, weather permitting!), followed by a BBQ, announcements, speeches and cake!