
Jörg Gsponer



Professional Profile

  • University of Lausanne1997MD
  • University of Zurich2002PhD (Biochemistry)
  • University of Cambridge2003Post-doctoral fellow
  • Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge2006MRC Research fellow

Research Area

Advances in high-throughput biology and the associated assembly of pan-omic data provide tremendous opportunities for the systems-level investigation of biological processes. Our lab is interested in the development and application of computational tools that, guided by fundamental principles of biochemistry and biophysics, exploit genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic data in order to get new insights into cellular processes such as signaling and quality control, and how these vital processes are affected in cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, respectively.

Research Questions

  1. How do intrinsically disordered regions contribute to allosteric protein regulation
  2. How does protein phase separation enhance cellular signaling?
  3. How is intracellular protein aggregation controlled?
  4. Which genetic factors modulate the phenotype of all proteinopathies?

Research Keywords

Biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, systems biology, biomolecular engineering, drug discovery, personalized medicine, protein regulation, proteomics, computational modeling, macromolecular biochemistry, neurology, protein design

To learn more about the Gsponer Lab, please visit gsponerlab.msl.ubc.ca.