
Xin Tang

Assistant Professor


Professional Profile

  • PhD (2024) in Engineering Sciences, Harvard University and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Research Area

In the Tang Lab, we develop powerful and generic AI models to help address fundamental questions in biology and medicine. Our research spans multiple scales and modalities and aims to bridge the gap between large-scale/limited-scale cellular studies and mechanistic insights that govern cellular behavior.

In addition to developing generic AI methods, we are happy to offer our AI expertise to collaborate with engineers, biologists, and doctors within UBC and around the world to address specific biological questions, such as those related to neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease, and aging.

Research Questions

  1. How do spatial and temporal dynamics influence current and future states of different cell types?
  2. How can we correlate specific genes and cells with diverse animal behaviours?
  3. How can we develop AI models to run data- and knowledge-driven in-silico experiments at large- and small-scale cellular levels?
  4. How can we best design these AI models and approaches to help bioengineers, biologists, and doctors?

Research Keywords

Bioengineering, bioinformatics, biotechnology, computational modeling, epigenomics, genomics, neurobiology, personalized medicine, proteomics, systems biology