Awards and recognition
UBC Science Excellence in Service Awards recognize three outstanding members of the Michael Smith Laboratories

2019 UBC Science Excellence in Service Award winners with Dean Meigan Aronson. From Left to Right: Karen Reid, Dean Meigan Aronson, Maria Cleveland, and Sarah Woodward.
Every year, UBC Science presents Excellence in Service Awards to recognize staff, students and faculty whose service contributions have had a significant positive impact in achieving the faculty’s mission. This year, one staff member and two students from the Michael Smith Laboratories received this honour and was presented with their awards by Dean Meigan Aronson at a ceremony on Wednesday, March 4, 2020.
The staff award went to Karen Reid, Operations Manager at the Michael Smith Laboratories for her outstanding operational leadership and strategic support. Karen is being recognized for consistently upholding financial stability, operational advancement, and social excellence of aspects of the Michael Smith Laboratories.
One of the two student awards went to Maria Cleveland, a Graduate Student in the Department of Chemistry working in Dr. Harry Brumer’s laboratory. Maria is very deserving of this award as her excellence in service to the Faculty of Science is countless. Examples of her service include being a founding member of the UBC Women in Chemistry group and an active participant in GreenChem UBC.
Sarah Woodward also won a student award and is a Graduate Student in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology working in Dr. Brett Finlay’s laboratory. Sarah is being recognized for her academic rigor, supportive mentorship, bold leadership, and innovative science communication outreach which includes being an active ambassador for Let’s Talk Science UBC.
The winners are all very deserving of these awards. Congratulations to all!